‘This Zoom Life’ is a comedy web series created by Peruvian comedian Erick Acuña in partnership with Washington Improv Theater. His one person show ‘Acuña Acuna’ had a sold out run at the 2019 Capital Fringe and it was voted ‘Best Solo Performance’ and ‘Best of Fringe’. The show was a finalist at the Yes, And… Laughter Lab in partnership with Comedy Central.
‘This Zoom Life’ explores the absurdity that a group of friends encounter when Zoom becomes the main form of communication during the current pandemic. They will struggle and find hilarious ways to deal with their personal, work, and romantic lives through Zoom: dating, work meetings, online teaching, Happy Hours, and more. The web series has a cast of almost 20 actors and was filmed in Washington DC, LA, Chicago, and Sedona.
‘This Zoom Life’ could be the best comedy web series since COVID. DC Metro Theater Arts